* Attempts to identify confederates of the evil alliance
* by defecting five consecutive times. Thereafter, if the
* opponent cooperated at least once during the first five
* turns, defect always. Otherwise, cooperate always.
* Originally by [ArisKatsaris](http://lesswrong.com/user/ArisKatsaris/).
* @module lib/strategies/evilalliance
module.exports = function (history) {
if (history.length < CONFEDERATE_PATTERN_LENGTH) {
return false
} else {
var isConfederate = !history
.map(function (round) { return round[1] })
.reduce(function (a, b) {
// if opponent cooperated even once in the 1st 5 turns,
// then reducing with OR will return true, else false.
return a || b
// check to ensure the confederate cooperated after executing the pattern
if (history.length > (CONFEDERATE_PATTERN_LENGTH + 1)) {
isConfederate = (isConfederate && history[CONFEDERATE_PATTERN_LENGTH + 1][1])
if (isConfederate) {
return true
} else {
return false